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VALE Ern Kirkby

Wednesday, August 26, 2015 - 8:49 AM by Brian Sweetapple

The Club was very saddened to hear of the recent passing of Ern Kirkby.


Ern was a highly-respected player from the 1950’s, representing the Club in 21 League matches between 1953 and 1957. He was also a member of our victorious Reserves side that added to the glory of 1955.


Although he found it difficult to become a permanent fixture in the League side, he was a solid defender who kept pressure on other players to perform well at a time when the Club’s  depth was very strong.


In later years Ern was well known as the publican of the Como Hotel in the heart of the Club’s district.


Sincere condolences are extended to Ern Kirkby’s family, as well as his many friends from his days at the Club.